Starting New Things

Mar 21, 2023

I just had lunch with my best friend from high school. She recently got back from a girls’ trip where she experienced singing bowls and salt caves for the first time. She was told for the first time that her sacral chakra was blocked and that she didn’t know how to sit still.

Being someone who has sat in meditation for hours on end, who works to unblock the sacral chakra for myself and others on a daily basis and who has traveled the world to seek my next spiritual experience, my next hard life lesson to conquer, this was fascinating to me.

It was fascinating…

  1. Because I am so accustomed to being around people who are spiritual junkies and know everything about everything when it comes to all the hippy dippy stuff. I’m not used to hearing about spiritual experiences from a newb!
  2. Because I know this person well, we talk and meet al least quarterly, we’ve been friends since we were freshmen in high school, and I have never dared bring up anything spiritual because I thought she would reject me and think I’m weird or wrong.
  3. Because she LISTENED. She APPRECIATED what she heard on her trip and she is making small, daily changes based on what she heard. She is actively exploring what “self-care” really means for her.
  4. Because I could RELATE to her. I remember and I STILL STRUGGLE with the same things she is struggling with. It's HARD to sit still for one minute. It's hard to do these things by yourself and for yourself. It’s hard to know if you’re doing it “right.”
  5. Because I could see how good she felt to be doing it. Starting a new thing at 47 years old that most people in her circle don’t know anything about. Sharing with her husband who doesn’t understand and her friend who has been too afraid to mention anything about spiritual practices. How brave she is and how good she feels about herself!

I am so proud of my friend.

And I want you to know that if you are in a similar place- if you have never done a single thing spiritually, or if you are an old pro who finds that it is still hard to find one minute of stillness and just needs someone to listen… I am here.

I have a small group of women who are trying to show up for themselves and each other who meet virtually. You are invited.

I work on unblocking the sacral chakra in a variety of ways through womb healing and spirit medicine. You are invited.

I love sitting and connecting with people who are ready to find out who they really are. What “self-care” really means. You are invited.

It’s the first day of spring. A time for new beginnings. If you need a place to start, I am here for you. Please reach out.